Clipper Fund Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

The extreme dispersion in returns and valuation makes today’s investment landscape a tale of two m ...

Our Conviction in Emerging-Market Assets

We believe China/Asia is at the cusp of sustainable growth and relative outperformance and warrant ...

Davis New York Venture Fund Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

We have not seen such an extreme disconnect between price and value since the late 1990s at the he ...

Selected American Shares Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

Over more than five decades of successful investing, we have built wealth using a simple but power ...

Fourth Quarter 2020 Attribution Summary

During the fourth quarter, tactical asset allocation was mixed but active manager selection was po ...

Staying Balanced Between Growth & Value

We want to remain broadly balanced in terms of our portfolios’ equity style exposures.

Bond Alternatives

There are definitely strategies that can protect in a downturn and are potential bond alternatives ...

Lingering Questions About Munis

How should investors think about taxable vs. muni bonds today?

Davis Financial Fund Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

We remain optimistic that financial companies—banks and property and casualty insurance companies ...

Investment Outlook: 2021 & Beyond

For 2021 and beyond, we think a reasonable base case is for a global economic recovery starting in ...

Davis Real Estate Fund Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

As we reflect on 2020, it occurs to us that for much of the year, real estate securities lived the ...

Sailing the Fixed Income Seas in 2021 Webinar Replay

Covering the risks and opportunities across multiple fixed-income sectors with bond market experts ...