REITs: There Are Better Sources of Yield

For many reasons, we’ve tended to deemphasize the sector in recent years when setting research pri ...

Higher Inflation: Transitory or Regime Change?

While year-over-year inflation will rise in the next few months, this will be due in part to signi ...

Loans: Ready for Reflation

Healthy fundamentals, good technical demand, the return of LIBOR floors, and the overall prospect ...

Tradition … Inflation?—Osterweis Total Return Outlook, Second Quarter

Investors aggressively sold off Treasuries in the first quarter in favor of risk assets. We think ...

Nonplussed—Osterweis Strategic Income Outlook, Second Quarter

Although we remain constructive about the economic outlook, the recent increase in speculative act ...

Solid Fundamentals but Questions Remain—Osterweis Equity Outlook, Second Quarter

Despite a volatile first quarter, economic fundamentals appear to be improving. We are constructiv ...

Looking Through Very Short-Term Recovery Issues in Emerging Markets

We acknowledge near-term risks have increased for EM stocks, but there are mitigating factors and ...

First Quarter 2021 Attribution Summary

Our active model portfolios, except for Equity, outperformed their benchmarks in the first quarter ...

Upgrading Our U.S. Stocks Fair-Value Range

We are raising our estimated return range for U.S. stocks. However, they remain relatively less at ...

A Decade Past, the Decade to Come

We look back on the last 10 years and consider what to expect as investors over the next 10.

Portfolio Update: Removing AMG Managers Pictet International

We are selling AMG Managers Pictet International due to a manager change.

Changes to Our ETF Lineup

We recently reevaluated the available ETF products and revised our preferred choices across asset ...