Our EM Assumptions Are Intentionally Conservative Amid COVID Risks

Price action in affected countries signal markets believe things will eventually work out, and we ...

Second Quarter 2021 Return Estimate Changes

Our U.S. stock return expectations increased further in our downside case and the lower end of our ...

Davis Real Estate Fund Semi-Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

No matter how compelling the business opportunity, if the balance sheet cannot weather the bad tim ...

Davis Financial Fund Semi-Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

As with the Great Depression, we believe the lessons learned from the financial crisis of 2008 dra ...

A Hawkish Fed Dot Plot

The Federal Reserve was more hawkish than expected yesterday, but practically speaking they didn’t ...

Baron Funds 1Q21 Quarterly Letters

Read quarterly letters from Chairman & CEO Ron Baron, President and COO Linda Martinson, and a ...

We Look for Managers Advancing the "ESG Ball"

Our approach of continuing to find firms that are authentic and intentional about advancing the ES ...

Emerging Markets: Upside Scenarios, the U.S. Dollar

We are now digging into some upside scenarios, in light of a possible above-average commodity cycl ...

REITs: There Are Better Sources of Yield

For many reasons, we’ve tended to deemphasize the sector in recent years when setting research pri ...

Higher Inflation: Transitory or Regime Change?

While year-over-year inflation will rise in the next few months, this will be due in part to signi ...

Loans: Ready for Reflation

Healthy fundamentals, good technical demand, the return of LIBOR floors, and the overall prospect ...

Tradition … Inflation?—Osterweis Total Return Outlook, Second Quarter

Investors aggressively sold off Treasuries in the first quarter in favor of risk assets. We think ...