BBH Select Series-Large Cap Underperformance Update—Fourth Quarter 2020

We remain confident in the investment team and remain confident that the fund will outperform the ...

FPA New Income Underperformance Update—Fourth Quarter 2020

We remain confident in the portfolio managers’ and the fund’s ability to meet their mandates over ...

Davis Select Financial ETF Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

For our bank holdings that possess sizeable investment banking businesses, the surge in trading an ...

Davis Select U.S. Equity ETF Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

The extreme dispersion in returns and valuation makes today’s investment landscape a tale of two m ...

Evermore Global Value Placed Under Review

The fund has recently underperformed and not met our expectations. We want to understand the perfo ...

Davis Select Worldwide ETF Annual Review 2021

As we look back at how the Davis Select Worldwide ETF portfolio of companies performed in the mids ...

Davis Select International ETF Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

It is our expectation that oil demand will remain weak for the foreseeable future, as flying and d ...

Selected International Fund Annual Review 2021—Davis Advisors

There are good reasons to believe that the next decade will be a continuation of the trend of abov ...

Davis Global Fund Annual Review 2021

We understand that in uncertain times such as these, it is more important than ever to be able to ...

Davis International Fund Annual Review 2021

There are good reasons to believe that the next decade will be a continuation of the trend of abov ...

The Potential High-Inflation Scenario

We agree that higher inflation is likely coming down the pike over our five-year medium-term tacti ...

Bitcoin's Investment Merit

Buying bitcoin is not investing, it’s speculating.